Company “Mikhailov and Partners” graciously invited us to participate in the exhibition “Russian priorities. Russian inventors changed the world” is a unique project dedicated to the outstanding Russian scientists, engineers and designers. Their inventions have transformed the reality, but in many cases the authorship was undeservedly forgotten. The exhibition introduces the unknown and amazing stories […]
EAGE GEOMODEL, EAGE invites you to participate in the VII international scientific and practical conference and exhibition ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS-2011 in Moscow from 25 to 29 April 2011 The conference and exhibition will be held in conference halls of “Salyut” hotel (Moscow, Leninsky Rd., 158). The coming conference will be dedicated to a further development of […]
At the invitation of the innovation center I5 – our company takes part in the exhibition of innovation, ” Time to come.” Exhibition Programme provides for exposure of inventions that participated in the contest of innovative projects I5, the most successful of them were selected expert analytical advice. The exhibition and seminar will be held […]
Dear visitors, we are glad to see you on the forum of innovations “Seliger-2010”, which takes place in the Tver region, where the exhibition will be presented Innovations our products. The exhibition will visit leading politicians, businessmen and representatives of various broadcasters.
The conference and exhibition will be held in the conference rooms of SRC “Yuzhmorgeologia”, which will bring together highly qualified experts working in the field of geology and geophysics, hydrogeology, ore geology, ecology, archeology, as well as those charged with monitoring the state of roads, railways, airports, and waterworks. THE CONFERENCE HELD TRADITIONAL: >> CONFERENCE […]
From 30th March to 2nd April in Moscow will host the next exhibition GeoTECH , this classic technology and equipment for engineering geology and geophysics.
At this exhibition will be presented to the electromagnetic scanner Nemfis .
Technologies and equipment for engineering geophysics:
Shallow seismic,
The gravity – magnetic survey;
Comprehensive research in solving problems of engineering geology, hydrogeology, permafrost, ecology and archeology;
Equipment for geotechnical studies;
Surveys for prospecting and exploration of mineral resources;
Survey for capital construction;
Research studies on linear objects (roads, railways, pipelines)
Geophysical equipment for shallow engineering research;
Hardware and software for the collection, processing and interpretation of geophysical data.
The exhibition will be held at:
Moscow, CEC “Sokolniki” .
For more information on the exhibition you will find here
In Paris, from 9 to 12 September 2009 was the 8th International Conference on archaeological research, which brought together experts from around the world . The conference presented the innovative methods used for the problems of archeology, among which was an electromagnetic scanner “Nemfis.” As a result, our team received several suggestions about how to […]