The 8th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection and the 7th “colloque de GEOFCAN”
“The international conference is entitled “Mémoire du sol, Espace des hommes”; it aims to bring together specialists from different academic disciplines interested in the history of human settlement and its impact on the landscape and our environment.
Different scientific communities such as archaeologists, agronomists, geographers, geotechnicians, geophyisicists and geologists specialised in the eart’s surface share many interests but rarely have the opportunity to meet each other. This conference will make this possible: the thematic sessions have been planned with the aim of maximising the exchange of knowledge and experience between researchers from various disciplines. The conference intends to offer a global vision of the relationships between the environment and human settlement. Study of the environment is effectively inseparable from a study of an archaeological site: the study of water supply, contriol of natural ressources, soil evolution and landscape history allow us to restore the environmental but also the economic and social context of human occupation.
Oral communications and posters will therefore be treated in the following thematic sessions:
– Methods and innovation
– Sites and their landscapes
– Landscape evolution
– History and evolution of the urban subsoil.”
We have surprised to see Nemfis data on the cover of catalogue “Archeo Sciences” №33 2009.
Below you can read some our articles from this catalog.