VI All-Russian seminar on electromagnetic sounding

2-7 September 2013

Planned section :

1. Direct and inverse problems geoelectrics data processing.
2. Deep EM sensing and regional studies.
3. EM methods in the study of seismic zones and in the monitoring of geodynamic processes.
4. Borehole Geoelectrics.
5. Oil and gas and mining electromagnetics.
6. Engineering and geo-ecological electromagnetics, georadar .
7. Other areas of Electromagnetic Research.
8. The exhibition “Modern technologies of electrical.”


Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics. AA , Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS IPGG).

Electromagnetic Research Center of the Institute of Physics of the Earth. O. Schmidt RAS.

National Research Novosibirsk State University (NSU).

Scientific and Production Enterprise of geophysical equipment “Ray.”

The Organizing Committee

Chairman: Epov Mikhail, Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences IPGG

Honorary Chairman: Vladimir Dmitriev, D.Sc., Professor., Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University

Vice Chairman: Varentsov Ivan, Ph.D., GEMRC IPE RAS
Dace Igor, Ph.D., Russian Academy of Sciences IPGG

The organizing committee and the program committee will be published in the Second Circular.

Local Organizing Committee: A. Sobolev, V. Glinsky, Antonov, EY, Sukhorukov KV, Korepanova LN Pavlova, MA, MN Gluschenko , Gorbatenko AA

Website School-Seminar:


If you want to participate in the School-Seminar, please fill in the registration form on the website until May 20, 2013 to submit an abstract , please visit or email.

The most important dates (“deadlines”)

Filling in the registration form online: May 20, 2013
Submission of information for visa support: May 20, 2013
Submission of abstracts and lecture material: July 1, 2013


Workshop will be held in IPGG SB RAS (Akademgorodok).
It is assumed that participants in school-seminar will be organized excursions.