Entries by dmitry

“Concours Lepine”

At the last 110th European Salon of Inventions “Lepine Competition” in Strasbourg ( France), project “electromagnetic scanner “Nemfis” won the silver medal. Recognition of international experts reinforces our confidence in the development, including from foreign partners. To date equipment frequency electromagnetic sounding “Nemfis” already used in Greece, France, Austria, Belgium, Poland, Mexico, Chile and Turkey. […]

The exhibition “Modern technologies in electrical”

V All-Russian seminar on electromagnetic sounding of the Earth EMP -2011 continues the tradition of All-Union Workshop inherent Professor Mark Naumovich Berdichevskii and Leonid L. Vanyanom in 1969, when the first school was held in Firyuza. Workshop EMP-2011 for the first time held in St. Petersburg. The purpose of school – meeting of graduates and […]


Engineering Geophysics 2011

EAGE GEOMODEL, EAGE invites you to participate in the VII international scientific and practical conference and exhibition ENGINEERING GEOPHYSICS-2011 in Moscow from 25 to 29 April 2011 The conference and exhibition will be held in conference halls of “Salyut” hotel (Moscow, Leninsky Rd., 158). The coming conference will be dedicated to a further development of […]

6th All-Russian conference survey organizations

Dear Colleagues,      We invite you to take part in the VI Annual All-Russian scientific -practical conference “Perspectives of Engineering in construction in the Russian Federation”, which will take place on 16-17 December 2010 in Moscow.      The conference traditionally brings together nearly a thousand participants from all regions of Russia and CIS countries. The speakers at […]


The 8th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection and the 7th “colloque de GEOFCAN”

“The international conference is entitled “Mémoire du sol, Espace des hommes”; it aims to bring together specialists from different academic disciplines interested in the history of human settlement and its impact on the landscape and our environment. Different scientific communities such as archaeologists, agronomists, geographers, geotechnicians, geophyisicists and geologists specialised in the eart’s surface share […]

6th International Scientific & Practical Conference and Exhibition “ENGGEO 2010”

EAGE, through their local office in Russia, invites you to take part in the 6th International Scientific & Practical Conference and Exhibition «ENGINEERING AND MINING GEOPHYSICS – 2010» that traditionally will be held in Gelendzhik from 26 till 30 of April, 2010. “ENGINEERING AND MINING GEOPHYSICS-2010” (“ENGGEO-2010”), will be organised in the conference halls of […]

The 7-th International specialized exhibition GeoTECH

We pleased to inform that our company will be at the 7-th International specialized exhibition GeoTECH Subjects: 1. Integrated explorations for geological engineering all types of engineering surveys in construction (engineering-geological, geodetic, hydrometeorological, ecological) hydrogeological investigations while performing explorations engineering-geological explorations in the sphere of permafrost growth engineering researches on main pipes explorations for field […]

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Forum of Innovations “Seliger-2010”

Dear visitors, we are glad to see you on the forum of innovations “Seliger-2010”, which takes place in the Tver region, where the exhibition will be presented Innovations our products. The exhibition will visit leading politicians, businessmen and representatives of various broadcasters.

The conference and exhibition “Engineering and Mining Geophysics – 2010”

The conference and exhibition will be held in the conference rooms of SRC “Yuzhmorgeologia”, which will bring together highly qualified experts working in the field of geology and geophysics, hydrogeology, ore geology, ecology, archeology, as well as those charged with monitoring the state of roads, railways, airports, and waterworks. THE CONFERENCE HELD TRADITIONAL: >> CONFERENCE […]